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From planning to implementation

From planning to implementation

Conducting a tenant survey – in other words, asking customers about their thoughts and feelings – is important. But the work does not stop there. To achieve lasting improvements, one must work continuously to do the right things in the right places. One must take into consideration viewpoints and requests in performance management and, furthermore, work according to clear goals and action plans. We call this a customer-driven approach. 

It is absolutely essential to carry out a survey to get a picture of what customers/the target group feels, thinks and wants. It is equally important to make sure the improvement work actually takes place as and when responses come in. The companies and organisations we work with have different aspirations, therefore, the support they require in their improvement work varies. 

Below is a selection of the inherent elements we know produce results. From planning and realisation to analysis and implementation. Depending on the design and type of survey, one or more of the elements below are included. All elements of the project phases below are carried out in close collaboration with the housing/real estate company. AktivBo's process can also be applied to ongoing or already completed tenant surveys. 

An approach that delivers results


  • Anchored in the steering and working group 
  • Organisation and allocation of responsibility (working/steering group) 
  • Review of previously completed customer surveys 
  • Project and time management 
  • Organisational structure, desired coding/categorisation and breakdown of results 
  • Technical set-up – integration API 
  • Questionnaire design 
  • Customer communication 
  • Selection/organisational structure; mailshot distribution planning 
  • Organisation – prepare for the presentation of results and future improvement work 
  • Planning training activities 

Data collection

  • Survey production and/or review of previously completed surveys 
  • Determining survey frequency (e.g. partial, whole or ongoing/continuous data collection) 
  • List/address processing, respondents 
  • Survey/data collection: digital (SMS/email/app), possibly postal/distribution 
  • Reminder management (bounce rate/returns management) 
  • Ongoing support/response rate 
  • Continuous processing of data/responses 
  • Ongoing/continuous presentation of results in analysis tool 
  • Anchoring and training 

Analysis, goals and action plans 

  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis 
  • Benchmarking 
  • Best Practice 
  • GAP analysis: matching of self-image and reality 
  • Sentiment analysis 
  • Failure analysis 
  • Results presentation organisation (management/steering group + employees) 
  • Anchoring and training: work in a customer-driven manner – how to get the most out of the
  • Management/steering group: development of goals, target simulations and priorities 
  • Organisation/personnel: development of action plans and specific measures in the short and long term
  • Written reports (PPT) 
  • Recommendations for continuity of improvement work 


  • Determination of the reporting structure 
  • Realisation 
  • Follow-up of action plans and specific measures: at the company level, district level and property level 
  • Coaching of the administrative organisation 
  • Communication and feedback of results and action planning to client 
  • Continuous follow-up  
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