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In addition to the housing and real estate companies we work with, we have a number of collaborations with other industry players and partners.

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spiltan-smallSince 2009, Investment AB Spiltan is one of the main owners of AktivBo. Spiltan is an investment company that invests in exciting Swedish companies run by talented entrepreneurs. Spiltan currently owns a portfolio valued at approximately SEK 5 billion, ranging from property to tech companies.

aareon - web

Aareon is the leading provider of SaaS solutions for the European property industry. The company is digitalising the property management by offering user-oriented software solutions that simplify and automate processes, support sustainable and energy-efficient operations and interconnect all process participants. AktivBo is a partner in Aareon's real estate ecosystem, Aareon Connect, which offers standardized APIs for the real estate industry.


Avy is the leading Nordic housing platform that works with its customers to improve the tenant experience in 270,000 households across the Nordic region. With Avy, property owners and managers can provide residents with a simpler and more modern service, while creating a platform for a smarter property business. They work with over 50 leading housing companies and have a product that is used by almost 20 percent of Sweden's tenants.


Fastighetsägarna is a stakeholder and industry organization working for a well-functioning property market. They represent more than 17,000 members. The majority of members are property owners with rental units for residential and commercial buildings and industrial properties. Others are housing associations.


Förvaltarforum is a meeting place for you who work with property management and property operations. Förvaltarforum disseminates news, experiences and knowledge in the industry as well as contributions to good profitability with a green conscience and to raising the status and attractiveness of the profession. The solely Swedish site that only writes about management and operation.


AktivBo and the Swedish Union of Tenants are collaborating on the National Survey, a survey aimed at a random sample of 5,000 members of the Tenants Association. This nationwide tenant satisfaction survey has been conducted in the same way every five years (2005, 2010, 2015, 2020).